Congratulation, the MUET results should indicate something of your behaviour of studies... should we draw some intention to create better result next time..?
You are given some articles about Influenza A-H1N1...please summarize them into 120 words with your own style and desire...use the comment column to express your words...
This influenza has become a threaten to people in every country.The number of this cases is increased day by day and spread drastically within a day.The symptoms of this flu are fever with coughs,body aches,and etc.The first case is found in US and then spreading to another country like Columbia,Puerto Rico and etc.CDC take serious action in order to reduce the spread of this flu and provide public with the information of this threatening flu.As the precautions public should take antiviral drugs as prescription medicine as a step to against this virus.Public also advised to wear a facemasks and respirators to avoid contact with other in order to limit further spread of this disease...NOORHIDAYAHBINTIROSLAN
Influenza A H1N1 was in Phase 6. That means this virus was spread at one world n it is so dangerous for human.Even this virus still new,but it was make many people died.It start at march and the first caused illness in mexico and united states.Mainly this virus spread through coughs and sneezes of people who are sick ,but it may also be spread by touching infected objects and then touching your nose.H1N1 infection cause a wide range of flu-LIKE symtoms,including fever,cough.sore throat,body aches,headache,chills and fatigue.
sir,sorry if its wrong......
{siti zaiwiyah & norazila}
{upper six sina n batutta}
H1N1 is dangerous virus that we must stay alert.This virus has been found from pig to human like us.H1N1 is a new flu virus of swine origin that first caused illness in mexico and united states in march and april,2009.H1N1infection has been reported to couse a wide range of flue-like symptoms,including fever cough,sore throat, body aches, headache,chills, and fatigue.To avoid this virus, we must avoid to go country that has been infected by this flu.As a conclusion,this virus is dangerous an can make we died.
describe by:
Fauzi,Kama,Noni 6sina and battutah
H1N1 virus has spread since the WHO declaration of a pandemic.The flu virus that first caused illness in Mexico and the United States.It spreads through the coughs and sneezes and also by touching the objects and then touching their nose and mouth.It caused fever,cough,sore throat,body aches,headache,chills and fatigue.Everyone should take a step to protect their health such as cover their nose and mouth when cough and sneeze,wash hand often with soap and water,avoid touching mouth,eyes and nose,avoid close contact with sick people,stay home for 7 days if you are sick with a flu-like illness,and follow public health advice.-AYU (6 BATTUTAH)-
The World Health Organization (WHO)was signaled a pandemic known as influenza A(H1N1).The virus was attack 70 countries in world.Influenza A(H1N1)is a new virus of swine origin that first caused illnessin mexico and US in march and april 2009.CDC was take the aggresive action to respond to the outbreak.CDC was issued interim guidance for clinicians on identifying and caring for patients in addition to providing interim guidance on the use of antiviral drugs.Individuals have an important role in protecting themselve and their families like cover the nose and mouth,wash hands with soap and water,avoid close contact with sick people and follow public health advice.
The World Health Organization(WHO) signaled that global pandemicof novel influenza A(H1N1)was underway by raising the worldwide pandemic alert level to phase 6.Novel influenza A(H1N1)is anew flu virus of swine origin that first caused illness in Mexico and the United States in March and April,2009.H1N1 flu spreads in the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses spreads,mainly throughs the coughs and sneeze.It also by touching infected objects and then touching nose or mouth.It has been reported to causa a wide range of flu-like symptoms.Everyone should take steps to protect from this virus.We must cover our nose and mouth with tissue or facemasks when cough and sneeze.Lastly,we must try avoid close contact with sick people.
The H1n1 is dangerouse virus that we can the articles,what we know This virus can be found from pig and the first caused illness in mexico also the United State in March and April,2009.mainly through the coughs and sneezes,but it may also be spread by touching infected objects,then touch their nose or mouth.H1N1 has been reported to cause a wide range of flu-like symptom,incluiding fever,cough,sore throat,body aches,haedache,chills and fatigue.
for the conclusion,human must becarefull from this viruses.
Novel Influenza A[HINI] is a new flu virus of swine origin that first caused ilness in Mexico and United States in March and April.Its flu spreads through the coughs and sneezes of people who sick with virus and by touching infected object and then touching your nose and mouth.HINI infection has been reported to cause a wide range of flu-like symptoms,including fever,cough,sore throat,body aches headache,chill an fatigue.
The best way to protect from
this flu is wash your hand often with soap and water.especially after your cough and or sneeze. Then,try to avoid close contact with sick people, and follow public health advice regarding school closures. A conclusions is if your get a symptom that are required, please go to check up for cured immediately. It because it has been died many people.Together we overcome and protect ourselves from influenza A HINI.[hazniba 6 a ib]
Virus influenza (H1N1)is new issuse.This action was a reflection of the spread of the new H1N1 virus.At the time,more thab 70 countries had reported cases of novel influenza A(H1N1)infection and there were onging community level outbreaks of this virus in multiple parts of the world.the symptoms that show be spread by touching your nose or mouth.the infecton has been reported cause a wide range of flu-like symptoms,including fever,cough,and others.individuals have an important role in protecting themselve and their families.everyone should take these everyday steps to protect your health and lessen of this new virus.first,cover your nose and mouth with soap and water,especially after your cought or sneeze throw the tissue in the trastafter you use,wash your hand often with soap and water and take alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.then,avoid touching your eyes,nose or mouth and try to avoid close contact with sick people.until today,we not have any vaccine to cure this virus because to making vaccine is along multi-step process.AIN MASTOJI 6 A BATUTTA
Influenza A(H1N1)is a new flu virus in world.The first caused illness in Mexico and the United States in March and April,2009.H1N1infection has been to cause a wide range of flu-like symptoms,including fever,cough,sore,throat,body aches,
headache,chills and fatigue,nausea,vomiting and diarrhea.It was quickly determined that the virus was spreading from person-to-person.Everyone must to protect with cover your nouse and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.Try to avoid close conctact with sick people.Besides that,wash yourhand oftenwith soap and water,6 sina
Influeza A H1N1 is a new flu virus of swime origin that first caused illness in Mexico and the United States in March and April 2009.The influeza H1N1 flu spreads in the same way that regular seasonal influeza viruses,mainly through the cough and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus.Influenza A H1NI has been symptoms including fever,cough,soret thoat and headache.Influenza surveillance systems indicate that overall influeza activity is decreasing in the country at this time H1N1 outbreaks are ongoing in parts of the US in some cases with intense activity.Everyone should take steps to protect your health of new virus is coveryour nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, wash your hand often with soap and water,and avoid touching your eye,noseor mouth.nurizwani 6bbt
Influenza A (H1N1)is dangerous.Now,more than 70 countries had reported this cases.The first countries that had this virus in Mexico and the United States in March and April,2009.The symptoms of this virus are fever,cough,sore throat,body aches and others.It was quickly determined that the virus was spreading from person-to-person.As the precautions public should use of facemasks in outdoor.Public also must washing their hand and take PCR diagnostic test.As a conclusion,we should get a treatment when we had this symptoms.MEGA,KHALIDAH,FATIN 6ATAS SINA
June,2009 the WHO signaled that a global pandemic of H1N1 was underway by raising the wolrdwide pandemic alert level to Phase 6. This virus have been causing people sick and then they will be death. This virus is spreading by the air and person to person. The symptoms who has this virus is fever,cough,sore throat,body aches,headache,chills and fatigue.
The preventation way to avoid this virus we must cover aour nose and mouth with a tissue when cough or sneez, wash our hand with soap and water, avoid touching eyes,nose and mouth, and try to avoid close contact with sick people. This virus have no vaccine, and the scientis in the worldwide still working on it.
Influenza A(H1N1) is a new flu virus of swine origin that first caused illness in Mexico and USA. This influenza are spreads mainly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus. It may also be spread by touching infected objects and then touching your nose or mouth. This symptoms of this virus is fever,cough, and fatigue. CDC take serious this dangerous influenza. CDC has provided guidance for the public. Everyone should take everyday preventive actions to stop the spreads of germs, including frequent hand washing and people who are sick should stay home and avoid contact with others in order to limit further spread of the disease.
Influenza A (H1N1) is a new flu virus of swine origin that first caused illness in Mexico and the United States in March and April,2009.Influenza A (H1N1) flu spreads,through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus, but it may also be spread by touching infected objects and then touching your nose or mouth.H1N1 infection has been reported to cause a wide range of flu-like symptoms,including fever,cough,sore throat, body aches,headache,chills and fatigue.
Beside that,CDC is continuing to watch the situation carefully, to support the public health response and gather information about this virus and its characteristics. CDC also take aggressive action to respond to the outbreak to reduce the spread and severity of illness, and to provide information to help health care providers, public health officials and the public address the challenges posed by this new public health threat.
H1n1 is very dangerous virus it can kill people.The symptoms of this flu are fever with cough,body aches,and etc.The first case is found in us,and then spreading to other country like columbia,mexico and ect.
ainol and farid
Influenza A (H1N1)very is dangreous.Now more than 70 countries had reported cases of novel influenza A (H1NI).The first cases reported in Mexico and the United States in March and April,2009.The symptoms of this virus are like fever,cough,sore throat,nody aches,headache,chills and fatigue.The vaccines are very important to control this virus.People should take some precaution likes follow public health advice,try to avoid close cobtact with sick people, and so on.KHALIDAH 6AIS
Influenza A H1N1 is a new flu virus of swine origin that first caused illness in Mexico and the United States in march and april.Now this virus spread in multiple parts of the world.the symptoms of this flu like, including fever,cough,sore throat,body aches,headache,chills and fatigue.To protect this flu,everyone should take these everyday steps to protect your health like cover your nose and mouth with a tissuse when you cough or sneeze.Besides that wash your hand especially after your cough or sneeze.Next,try to avoid close contact with sicks people.As a conclusion public also protect your health from this flu.
fatin 6ASN
H1N1 is are fever with coughs,body aches and etc.First case of this flu was found in US and this virus was spreading to another countries.Its spread through the coughs and sneezing.So,you must cover your mouth with tissue or towel when you coughing and sneezing.Everyone should take a step to protect themself and their family.As the conclusions,H1N1 is dangerous virus that we must alert.
Influenza A (H1N1) is a new flu virus of swine origin that first caused illness in Mexico and the United States in March and April,2009.Influenza A (H1N1) flu spreads,through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus, but it may also be spread by touching infected objects and then touching your nose or mouth.H1N1 infection has been reported to cause a wide range of flu-like symptoms,including fever,cough,sore throat, body aches,headache,chills and fatigue.
Beside that,CDC is continuing to watch the situation carefully, to support the public health response and gather information about this virus and its characteristics. CDC also take aggressive action to respond to the outbreak to reduce the spread and severity of illness, and to provide information to help health care providers, public health officials and the public address the challenges posed by this new public health threat.
Furthermore, CDC has provided guidance for the public on what to do if they become sick with flu-like symptoms, including infection with novel H1N1. This is issued instruction on taking care of sick person at home and the use of facemasks and respirators to reduce influenza A transmission.
Nurul Jannah bt Mastor 6ASN.
influenza h1n1 is the new flu virus of swine origin that first caused illness in mexico and the united states in march and april.The number of cases is increased and spread drastically within a day.The symtoms of this flu like,including fever,cough,headache and others.
Beside that,CDC is to providing interim guidance on the used of antiviral drugs.the priority used for influenza antiviral drugs during this outbreak to tread people hospitalized.
as conclusion,for the public taking care of sick person at home.use of facemasks and respirators to reduse novel H1N1 transmision.shall againts please RUN AWAY!from this flu viruses.......
n0oony shafinaz 6ais
World Health Organization (WHO)signaled that a global pandemic of novel influenza A(H1N1)was underway by raising the worldwide pandemic a reflection of the spread of the new H1N1 virus,illness caused by the virus.At the time,more than 70 countries had reported cases of novel influenza A (H1N1) infection.Influenza A (H1N1)is a new flu virus ofswine origin that frist caused illness in Maxico and United Stated in March and April,2009.H1N1 infection has been reported to caused a wide range of flu-like symptoms,including fever,cough,sore thoat,body aches,headache,chills and fatingu.H1N1 also has issued intruction on taking care of a sick person at home and the use of facemasks and respirators to reduce novel influenza A (H1N1)tranmission...amin 6abt
Influenza (HINI) ongoing comuniti level outbreaks in multiple parts of the world.Since that,influenza (HINI) has begun our the southern hemisphere is spreading and causing illness .
Influenza A(HINI)as a dengerous that can spread out coughs and sneezes of people.Also that it can be spread by touching infect object and nose or mouth.HINI can be cause a wide range of flu symptoms,cough,body aches,headache,chills nd fatigue.CDC is using for to support the publich health response and to gather information about virus and characteristic.CDC can also identifying and caring for patients,and guidance on the use of antirival drugs.
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