Thursday, July 10, 2008


Hi guys,
If you are students from 6BBT, 5CKL, 5DDK, 5TKN and even 4CKL SMKSM, please do write to me using the comments section... Please include your name and class together with your articles, reports, essays or any writing materials. Looking forward to receive something from you guys soon. .Azman Sulaiman.


Azman Bin Sulaiman said...

Parit Jayus, July 11 2008.
A training camp has just been offciated by YB Shukur today. The camp is situated at Parit Jayus 4, Sri Medan, BPahat which is 25km from BPahat Town. The first batch will undergo the programme for 3 months which is include with a lot of activities. The manager says that the camp is fully equip with new technology gadjets and offer the best accomodation and foods. Participants are expected to go for medical check up after their registration session. By Azhar Muhammad, 6BBT.

namzila said...

Parit Lapis Warijo, July 11, 2008.
National Service Training Programme will be held in a new camp at Sri Medan soon. The camp is officially launched today by the respective Chief of Police, Tn Selamat Ahmad. The camp which 25km in distance to Batu Pahat Town is a new management by En. Shukur Ramli. With great facilities and comfort accomodation, it sure will serve the participants with a joyful experience. On top of that, participants will also be served with traditional Javanese food which catered by Hamdan and Co that is famous with killer menu such as Nasi Beriani Gam Gajah. Participants are invited to watch excelent scenery nearby the flowing river of Simpang Kiri River.The training syllabus are consist of National Spirit, Malaysian History, Firearms, Water Activities and Religious Lecture. Participants are specially selected by the ministry based on their backround and academic achievement. Training will prolong for 3 months and each participant is given RM145.00 for their monthly allowance. Well trained instructors are ready to push the limits of comfort zone in order to wrap the participants getting the expected goals. Shasha Farida, 6BBT

pkpg04 said...
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pkpg04 said...

Parit Tegak Laman, July 12, 2008.
A new camp known as "Warisan Sezaman" has been officially launch today to serve as trainning camp for National Service Training Programme. Eduqate facilities has been prepared to cater all the incoming activities. Accomodations are chalet, dorm and homestay have been ready for the participants. The syllabus are constructed by the Defend Ministry which included of mental and physical training. Hopefully participants will satisfy for all the preparations are well done with beautiful river view of Senandung River. The camp is on top of Bukit Inas with altitude 1200 meters above sea level. Dr Ahmad Marican, District Officer of Batu Pahat is honoured to declare open the camp this morning. Ninsha Azmi, 6BBT

norlies said...
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norlies said...

Paril Lapis Simis,1 January.A National Service Training Programme is held in Kg Pt Lapis Simis,Seri Medan Batu Pahat,Johor.This programme includes many activities such as camping,jungle tracking,flying dox,rock climbing,star jumps,push ups,orienterring and many more.Thia activities is more interesting and challenging.Thia activities can make the people more confident and become a brave person.This camp also have many facilities like surau,toilet,dorms and class.From this programme we can learn more knowledge and can get many friends from other places.This camp also prepare foods for people.You can eat 6 times a day.We have many foods such as nasi lemak,kuey teow,roti canai,porridge,currypuffs,bubur chacha,oranges and many else.This programme is interesting.Futhermore,we can get many benefits and knowledge from this programme.

By Noorshahrizan bt Manshah,6BBT.

pkpg04 said...

parit hj yusuf,july 13 2008. A National Services Training Programme is held in Kg Pt Haji Yusuf.this programme had just been officiated by dato' hj deraman mansur yesterday.this programme included such as character building,national clases and also the intergration class. only 150 trainer sign up for this programme. this place had a lot of facilities such as the canteen,dorm,the medic center and etc. this programme include has many of benefit that the trainers can get in their experience.
naima 6bbt

pkpg04 said...

parit bangas,30 may.a national service training programme is held in kampung parit bangas,seri medan,batu pahat johor.this opening programme is officiated by yb ahmad zahari b.jamil on monday.this programme include many activities such as camping,jungle tracking,lecture session and sports games.the camp served food 6 times per day.the motto for this camp is community and integrity.ain

pkpg04 said...

Parit jayus, july 31 2008.National Service Training Programme will be held soon in Sri Medan.the camp will been done in BUKIT PANCHOR PARIT JAYUS 4.We have a lot activity example jugle tranking,and any more.we have a many type food.BY AMIN,6BBT

pkpg04 said...

parit simis,30 june.the national service training programme was officiated by y.b ahmad zahri bin jamil.this programme includes many activity like jungle tracking.the food are served 6 times a day.intan sabarina.6 bbt

pkpg04 said...

Parit Haji Ahmad,3 March 2008.A National Service Programme is held in kg.Parit Haji Ahmad,Seri Medan,Batu Pahat,Johor.This programmes includes many activities such as camping,jungle tracking,flying fox,wall climbing,star jumps,push ups,and many more.This activities is so fun,interesting,fantastic,and challenging.It can make a person be more confident,brave,competative and healthier.This camp also has many facilities such as surau,toilet,canteen,coffee house,karaoke and many more.They serve various of food such as curry puff,pizza,nasi lemak,bread,porridge,kuey teow,roti canai and etc..This programme is beneficial to us because we can get many knowledge,experience and friends.Lastly,you should join this camp because it such a waste if you not join it.Ok.Only this for now...BY NURUL AIN JAMIL

pkpg04 said...

Parit Lapis Laman,July 31 2008.
A national service Traning Programme will be held soon in sri medan.The camp at Bukit Inas.So many activity we done in 3 month example jungle Traking,army Training.we have kampung arifin

pkpg04 said...

parit hj khalid,june10 2008.a traning camp has just been offciated by YB shukur today. the camp is situated at kg parit hj khalid sri medan,batu pahat.johor.this programme for 3 month which is include with a lot of activities.many activities and food.exp;jungle traking, jump and food a bread,coconut rice,chicken curry.Thia activities is more interesting and challenging.Thia activities can make the people more confident and become a brave person.This camp also have many facilities like surau,toilet,dorms and class.From this programme we can learn more knowledge and can get many friends from other places.This camp also prepare foods for people.You can eat 6 times a day. The manager says that the camp is fully equip with new technology gadjets and offer the best accomodation and foods. Participants are expected to go for medical check up after their registration session.